St Patricks day
Wear green please.
Wear green please.
Further information will be confirmed nearer the time.
The children are welcome to come into nursery in fancy dress for Halloween on Tuesday 31st if they would like to.
The children have designed their own Christmas cards. The proof artwork has been sent home this week. Orders can be placed through the QR code or through the website using [...]
We have the photographer coming in tomorrow morning (10/07) to take individual photos of the children. If you would like to request any photos with particular friends etc. please email/text [...]
We would like to invite all the children leaving to go to school in September to our leaver’s tea. We hope all parents and children can join us for some [...]
Come into the nursery in your favourite Christmas Jumper.
Followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the church hall. If your child does not usually attend nursery on a Wednesday they are invited in from 10.30am.
We invite the children to wear green for our celebrations.