Toilet Train: Getting your child ready for school

Toilet Train

All aboard the Toilet Train

Did you know that one in four children in England and Wales are starting school not toilet trained? To help reduce that number and support families who might be struggling, ERIC is launching a summer campaign, All Aboard the Toilet Train, that aims to help more children get ready to use the toilets independently at school.

Parents/carers and children are invited to ‘board the Toilet Train’ by signing up to our online challenge that will help them prepare for school. They’ll receive information, advice and support throughout the summer to support them in their journey.

We’ll also be supplying resources through preschools, nurseries and libraries. Our friendly mascots, Wee and Poo, will be out on the road at select locations throughout the summer, along with our expert ‘poo nursers’ to speak directly with children and their carers about potty training journeys.

Want to board the Toilet Train?

If you’re a parent or carer and want to join the fun, sign up below to receive more information.  

Or if you’re a healthcare or education professional feel free to share with the families you support, colleagues and communities so that we can help more families prepare for starting school. If you’d like to find out more, please email

Parents and carers sign up here